Wednesday, November 30, 2011

That Old Familiar Feelin'

Blog, I have neglected thee lately.

I apologize.

I have about a ton of awesome ideas for posts but none of them have been implemented because I haven't had the time to draw, which saddens me quite so.

It's not you, it's me.

And it's not just happening to you.

Schoolwork and rehearsals for an upcoming play (which I have never been in a play before so that is quite interesting) have consumed my entire life.  I have not had the time to hang out with my friends.  Therefore, Shellie, Deborah, Sarah, and everyone has felt the brunt of my craziness.

I apologize again.

However, dear Blog, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

That light is Wednesday, December  7th.

The end of exams and the beginning of Christmas break.

So do not fret, sweet sweet Blog, I shall return with a veritable avalanche of awesomeness beginning on that date. (Well, like a day or two after.)

I am trying not to die of stress.  And I hope I come out of this alive.

So until then, mi blogito dulce de leche, I will see you on the other side.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Random thought while procrastinating work:

Have you ever noticed how people (namely, teenage girls) on Facebook and other things like the extend the last letter of certain words to show emphasis or elongating the syllables?

Well fine. Be that way.

But I notice this.

And it pissesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss me offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

I just don't understand the reasoning behind it.  Don't they realize that when they write:
"Loveeeeeeeeeeeee u gurllllllllllllllll &hearts &hearts ~*~*~*~*"

That, when read by a non-tweenie bopper, it sounds like:

Love-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee u girlalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala and hearts and hearts squiggle star squiggle star squiggle star squiggle star."

Moral of the story is:


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Buy You a Draaaank

Hey! Hey!  Guess what?

It's my birfday!

I am now officially 21!


Also, happy day after Halloween!!

Okay bye.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Research Method

I have the hardest time writing research papers.

Yeah I know, everyone has the hardest time with that.  But I can only begin to write them when they are literally due the next morning as soon as I wake up.  Otherwise I will never write them.  I've tried making outlines beforehand, I've tried highlighting and dog-earing and all that other crap, but nothing works.  I just have to sit down and just do it.  It's work under pressure or don't work at all, and I usually prefer the not at all part.


I recently rediscovered this...let's call it "research method" that I had written a couple years ago for my European History class (called Core II).  It was every M-W-F at 8am.  What was I thinking?

We had to write three six-page papers throughout the semester, each comparing and contrasting ideals between different books and essays from dead guys I could care less about.

And I never read any of them.

I got away with Sparknotes and skimming through used highlighted copies of the books I got from the bookstore.  But even that was not enough to get me to write that first paper.

I sat at my computer, staring at the blank Microsoft Word document, contemplating how in the world I was going to fill six pages (with parenthetical citations) of constitutional monarchies and oligarchies and other archies I didn't understand.  Finally I decided that I was just going to start typing and see how it all panned out.

The result is the following:


P-- Hello and welcome to my freakin’ awesome core two paper. Here with me today are Misters Edmund Burke and John Stuart Mill. Say hi, fellas.

J-- Why hello there, young lady.

E-- Yes, bonjour.

P--They are going to help me with my paper about their books! No offense, guys, but they were both pretty grueling to get through.

J--Oh, no offense taken, Miss Ganzelli! Our essays were never actually intended to be analyzed for mundane school assignments.

P-- Really?

E-- Oh, indubitably! We wrote them just to be annoying and boring!

P-- Well, it sure worked, Ed. It sure worked.

E-- Why, thank you!

P-- Anyway, how should we start this thing? There are so many aspects of your essays I have no idea where to begin!

J-- Well, the prompt is to write how we view restrictions on liberty and revolution, correct? So we should just categorize the points: Start with what we actually think liberty is and the differences between civil and social liberty (and social contracts). Then move to the importance of this liberty, but include how it should be regulated so as to avoid things like tyranny of the majority and prevailing opinion. Be sure to include things such as religious tolerance, although Mr. Burke here believes in an established church, the weirdo.

E-- Hey! I have my reasons! And you shall hear about them soon enough when she actually starts writing this paper! Besides, you’re anti-Catholic anyway and Patty here is a Catholic!

J-- Oh… Well this is awkward…


JE-- Sorry, Miss Ganzelli.

J-- Now, remember to include that we don’t want complete silencing of opinions because this would create chaos and would indeed lead to revolution. Then, with that, you segway into our thoughts on revolution and how it should be limited and only used as a last resort.

E-- Yeah, like how I felt that the French Revolution was a complete screw-up and should have been dealt with differently. If you’re gonna change a government to a democracy, copy off the Americans! They know what’s up!

P-- Whoo! USA! USA!

J-- Yes, yes, America’s awesome, and Burke’s in love with William and Mary and the Glorious Revolution—

E--That’s the right kind of revolution!

J--But where are you going to fit in his ideas for governmental changes such as the balance of power and absolute versus constitutional monarchies?

P-- Hmm… I guess maybe if I don’t have enough with all the other stuff I’m going to write about, I can throw that stuff in there somewhere. Who knows, maybe it’ll help make my other points about revolution stronger when talking about slow, gradual reforms and such.

E-- Alright, that sounds like a plan. Even though I don’t appreciate having my genius ideologies randomly tossed into a paper like a Waldorf salad!

J-- Oh, can it, Eddie.

E-- Up yours, Johnny!

P-- Okay. I think I’m starting to feel pretty good about this. I think I can do this!

J-- That’s the spirit, Patty!

P-- Alright, I’ll save the introduction for last because that’s always the hardest part and I always change where my thoughts are going and never stay true to what I originally put, so I’ll start with the liberty paragraph!

JE-- Huzzah!

P-- Okay, here I go! And thanks, guys!

E-- Ah, ‘twas our pleasure, mademoiselle. If you need anything, feel free to pick up our books!

J-- And don’t forget to use the word “despotism” no less than a dozen times!

P-- I will! See ya later, Eddie and Johnny!

JE-- Farewell, Miss Ganzelli!


P--Now to get cracking on my paper… 


And I got a 103% on that.

Since then, this has been my core means of completing research papers and essays.

Since then, I have aced every single one of the aforementioned research papers and essays.

 Since then, I have come to the following conclusions:

Number One:

I highly recommend you try this.  It turns something horrible and potentially suicidal-thought-inducing into something fun and easier to understand.  It's a slightly more enjoyable and interesting version of an outline.

And Number Two:

I would be the coolest friggin history teacher in the world.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I have a nasty habit of visualizing the literal picture of anything that anyone ever says ever.  It ranges from the normal phrases that people use, to homonyms, to idioms.

For example:

My mother told me the other day that my sister Chrissy was making Caribbean jerk chicken for dinner.  Immediately my brain flashes to this:

This results in spontaneous giggling in public places and puzzled looks from innocent bystanders.

It's a sickness, really.

But for your entertainment pleasure, and for the purposes of this blog post, here's some more examples of how my sad sad brain works.

I got this visual as someone was pouring out a heartfelt story about their father and his ill-fated cholesterol levels.  I am a horrible person.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Heppy Bawtday!

July seems to be the month of birthdays!  See also:  August, September, November, January, and March.  All other months have no significance to me.

So today marks the anniversary of the birth of the coolest mommy in el mundo, my mother and surrogate mother to Shellie, Suzanne Ganzelli!  (AKA: Mama G.)

Happy birthday, Mama!!  I love you!! =D

Also in the spirit of birthdays, in merely two days' time, our sweet little Shellie Kinard will have reached the milestone that is her twenty-first birthday!

And she's not gonna drink!


But anyway, so I'd like to wish my bestest freakin' bud in the whole freakin' universe. . . .

The incomparable. . . .

The insatiable. . . .

The ludicrous. . . .

The superfluous. . . .

The barnabas. . . .

The shelliest. . . .


Coolest birthday card ever, no?  ;)  Internet technology FTW! 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mustang Patty

Deborah and I work in retail at Random Department Store, Inc. as cashiers and fitting room attendants.  Lovely.

Being a relatively large store in a relatively populated area, you relatively get a few weirdos pass through those doors.

And just some plain annoying people.

But last week, something happened that I don’t think I will ever forget.  No matter how hard I try.

You get a lot of random conversation while you’re checking people out at the register.  And that’s how this particular incident began.

It took every ounce of willpower not to positively freak out and drink an entire bottle of hand sanitizer before finishing the transaction, careful not to let my mouth close in any way.

Once he left, still raving about mustangs and other cars I could give a crap about, I doused my face with hand sanitizer for the next three hours while simultaneously shooting daggers at Deborah’s uproarious fit of laughter.

Ah, the unsanitary joys of working in retail.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I swear I haven't forgotten to update, guys!  I have a bunch of excuses right as to why I have not written a blog in the last 18 days.  Ready?  Here we go.

1.  My laptop cord broke.

2.  Because of this, my laptop has run out of battery.

3.  No one in my family has the same laptop cord, therefore I cannot charge it.

4.  Even when Deborah graciously allowed me to charge my laptop with her cord, my computer keeps shutting down because it gets overheated easily.

5.  My computer is a douche.

6.  I've been away in Philadelphia to visit family for a week and won't be back until tomorrow.

7.  I don't have continuous access to a computer to do this kind of thang.  Right now I have snuck away from the crowd and am currently hidden in the upstairs room, typing as quietly as possible so that no one may hear me lest they attack.  Ssshh.

8.  I also sort of have writer's block.  It's slowly eating at my soul and if left untreated will consume me like the gooey alien parasite from Spiderman.

9.  Spiderman 3 was agonizingly horrible.

10.  That last one wasn't really an excuse.  More just a random thought.

11.  Crap neither was that one.

12.  This list is proof that my brain is literally being eaten by Venom.  And he is commanding me to tell you that he is now Ruler of All That Is Awesome and to tell Shellie to suck it.

13.  Oh and Shellie refuses to write a blog post either cuz she's a jerk and can't handle the responsibility of being a co-author of Midnight Porkchop!! 

14.  And now Jeanine is here reading over my shoulder!  Say hi, Jeanine!  (Jeanine:  Hoi.)  Yay!

15.  Okay bye.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shower Curtain Killers

You know those people who always have to peek behind the shower curtain before going to the bathroom to make sure there’s not a serial killer hiding in there?  I’m one of them.

If the shower curtain is completely obscuring my vision from the bath tub, I have to take a quick glance behind it.  This weird compulsion is not because I am afraid of ax murderers and rapists, per se.  It’s more I just check to make sure that no one is in the room with me at all.

Now I bet you’re thinking, “Wow, Patty.  That’s really stupid.  Who would want to just hang out in the shower and wait for you to walk into the bathroom and possibly murder you with a loofah?”  Well, my friends, this strange quirk of mine can be traced back to a single experience I had when I was nine years old.  And, believe it or not, the movie "Psycho" had nothing to do with it whatsoever.

 It was a hot summer day and I was playing Hide-and-Seek with my cousins.

I had the brilliant idea to hide in the shower in the bathroom.  There were limited places to hide out that weren’t completely obvious, like a closet or under the bed, and that place seemed to be the best bet.   

I crouched there like a tiger, hidden from view like a dragon, silently giggling at my masterful camouflage.

Be mindful that at this time there were twelve unwatched children running around loose in our house.  My aunt and uncle have eight kids, and I am one of four.  The younger girls and I were the ones playing Hide-and-Seek, and the others were just doing whatever.

16 people altogether.  We had two bathrooms.

And instead of choosing to conceal myself in my parents’ master bathroom, I chose the “community” toilet.

 The next few moments happened like this:

I managed to scream and run away before I saw anything that would make me want to gouge my eyes out.  But the memory still haunts me to this day.

My cousin didn’t check that he was alone before doing his business, and something regretful almost happened.  This scenario has stuck with me for eleven years, and is the reason why I always peek around beforehand.

But it does have me wondering… What would happen if there actually were a serial killer hiding in the shower?


And so, the moral of our story is:
"Take a peek before taking a leak."

~El Fin~