Wednesday, November 30, 2011

That Old Familiar Feelin'

Blog, I have neglected thee lately.

I apologize.

I have about a ton of awesome ideas for posts but none of them have been implemented because I haven't had the time to draw, which saddens me quite so.

It's not you, it's me.

And it's not just happening to you.

Schoolwork and rehearsals for an upcoming play (which I have never been in a play before so that is quite interesting) have consumed my entire life.  I have not had the time to hang out with my friends.  Therefore, Shellie, Deborah, Sarah, and everyone has felt the brunt of my craziness.

I apologize again.

However, dear Blog, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

That light is Wednesday, December  7th.

The end of exams and the beginning of Christmas break.

So do not fret, sweet sweet Blog, I shall return with a veritable avalanche of awesomeness beginning on that date. (Well, like a day or two after.)

I am trying not to die of stress.  And I hope I come out of this alive.

So until then, mi blogito dulce de leche, I will see you on the other side.

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