I swear I haven't forgotten to update, guys! I have a bunch of excuses right as to why I have not written a blog in the last 18 days. Ready? Here we go.
1. My laptop cord broke.
2. Because of this, my laptop has run out of battery.
3. No one in my family has the same laptop cord, therefore I cannot charge it.
4. Even when Deborah graciously allowed me to charge my laptop with her cord, my computer keeps shutting down because it gets overheated easily.
5. My computer is a douche.
6. I've been away in Philadelphia to visit family for a week and won't be back until tomorrow.
7. I don't have continuous access to a computer to do this kind of thang. Right now I have snuck away from the crowd and am currently hidden in the upstairs room, typing as quietly as possible so that no one may hear me lest they attack. Ssshh.
8. I also sort of have writer's block. It's slowly eating at my soul and if left untreated will consume me like the gooey alien parasite from Spiderman.
9. Spiderman 3 was agonizingly horrible.
10. That last one wasn't really an excuse. More just a random thought.
11. Crap neither was that one.
12. This list is proof that my brain is literally being eaten by Venom. And he is commanding me to tell you that he is now Ruler of All That Is Awesome and to tell Shellie to suck it.
13. Oh and Shellie refuses to write a blog post either cuz she's a jerk and can't handle the responsibility of being a co-author of Midnight Porkchop!!
14. And now Jeanine is here reading over my shoulder! Say hi, Jeanine! (Jeanine: Hoi.) Yay!
15. Okay bye.
Don't talk about Venom like you know anything. Don't you dare.