Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Writer's Block

Hello, Porkchaps! Long time no post!

Once again, I am bored at work so I thought I'd give a tiny update and what not.

Once again (again), it's Camp NaNoWriMo month! Yaaaaay! I'm still working on that same middle grade book (hooray actual dedication!), but for the last few days I have hit a stumbling block. I'm finally in the last phase of my first draft, leading up to the climax, but my brain decided to take a holiday (not that that's different from usual).

I've been trying to get myself to put down the next few words, but something is getting lost in translation between the images in my mind and my fingertips on the keyboard. So instead of forcing the words to come, I channeled that creative energy into a rant/encouraging tale of overcoming writer's block! 

Anyway, here's the poem, yo.

An Ode to Writer's Block

Oh, that wall in my brain
That makes me go insane,
Though I try in vain
To impale it

Writer's block is a pain
Of my existence, 'tis the bane
Like an oncoming train
Can I derail it?

What wisdom can I gain
When my brain's split in twain?
Like a barrel of hay,
Can I bail it?

It does no good to complain--
I'm a swashbuckling swain!
These words flow in my veins--
I shall prevail it!

So Writers of the World, let us unite! Pick up your pens and laptops (typewriters for you hipsters out there) and let us vanquish the Block Menace! 

Happy Camp NaNoWriMo, errrbody!