I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo again.
Lord help me.
Amy is as well, though, so I mean, at least I'm not going through it alone, right?
Seriously, though. I'm supposed to write 35,000 by the 30th. I am currently at 4,112. That's 6, 488 words behind where I need to be to finish on time.
All day today, my eye has been twitching constantly. Zzzzzt. Zzzzzt.
Oh, but I realized I never told you how the Camp last July went!
It was . . . all right.
I mean, I reached the word count. But I didn't finish the play and kind of abandoned it. o_O
But now I've got a new story--a Christmas story! For kiddies! Yay!
And it occurs to me as I type through the last few remnants of my lunch break, that I could have been working on that story instead of updating this blog.
I'll let you know how it works out! In the meantime, shall I shamelessly plug my cake decorating business?
Hellz yeah.
May I present:
For Goodness Cakes!
Heavenly Treats for all Occasions!
Follow the Link to Yummy Times, Yo!
Wow I really need sleep.
I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo again.
Lord help me.
Amy is as well, though, so I mean, at least I'm not going through it alone, right?
Seriously, though. I'm supposed to write 35,000 by the 30th. I am currently at 4,112. That's 6, 488 words behind where I need to be to finish on time.
All day today, my eye has been twitching constantly. Zzzzzt. Zzzzzt.
Oh, but I realized I never told you how the Camp last July went!
It was . . . all right.
I mean, I reached the word count. But I didn't finish the play and kind of abandoned it. o_O
But now I've got a new story--a Christmas story! For kiddies! Yay!
And it occurs to me as I type through the last few remnants of my lunch break, that I could have been working on that story instead of updating this blog.
I'll let you know how it works out! In the meantime, shall I shamelessly plug my cake decorating business?
Hellz yeah.
May I present:
For Goodness Cakes!
Heavenly Treats for all Occasions!
Follow the Link to Yummy Times, Yo!
Wow I really need sleep.